Saturday, October 10, 2009

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Mesolthelioma Symptoms may not show up in the body until between 20 - 50 years after exposure, which is why so many new cases of this form of cancer are being diagnosed in recent years. All though the dangers of asbestos cancer were realized many decades ago and precautions have been taken to reduce the risk of the disease, it can take very little exposure to cause the cancer.

As with many forms of cancer, the asbestos cancer tumor can spread in the body rapidly, often infecting the opposite pleura and continuing on to other internal organs. The symptoms of Asbestos cancer are listed below.

Pleural Mesothelioma:

* Shortness of breath
* Chest pain in the chest (caused by fluid accumulation in the pleura)

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

* Weight loss
* Abdominal pain
* Abdominal swelling (caused by fluid build-up in the abdomen)
* Bowel obstruction
* Blood clotting abnormalities
* Anemia
* Fever

If the asbestos cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, additional symptoms may include:
* Pain
* Trouble swallowing
* Swelling of the neck or face areas

If you are experiencing these or similar medical problem, please consult your doctor.


  1. Hello friend! I wish you a beautiful Sunday :)

  2. I agree, it's better we always check up before it happens
